Is it possible to get a preview thumbnail image when looking at an LB file? it’s a pain having to open a file to confirm it’s the one you’re looking for.
I am using windows 7 and I see the file without have to open it.
That is a windows feature, not Lightburn.
THanks, I’ll check that.
Not finding any windows option to show LB images, jpg, png, bitmap all show but not LB.
I’m not sure but I think you need right click on file, chose “open with” select “chose predefined program”, chose Lightburn on list of programs and check the box “always use this program to open this type of file”.
Note: Due to translation the words may not be exactly the same.
Thanks for your help I found the issue. I work from multiple computers and keep everything on my Onedrive, if I look at files on my Main drive I can see a preview but for some reason, I can’t for files on my Onedrive
Thanks for your help I found the issue. I work from multiple computers and keep everything on my Cloud drive, if I look at files on my Main drive I can see a preview but for some reason, I can’t for files on my Onedrive
There I can’t help you. I use “Drive” from google to do some storage but it never shows to me the image on the icon file.
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