Is it possible to run 2 lasers at the same time from one computer

I currently run 2 laser cutter with Ruida controllers, the reason (well one of them) I bought the Your Lightburn software was I wanted to run both lasers from one laptop at the same time, I previously tried RD works, no luck.

When using Lightburn I can run both independently no issues providing there is only one laser switched on, it runs the large laser or the small laser on their own perfectly but as soon as the large laser is switched on the software defaults to the large laser no matter what.

Is it possible to run both lasers at the same time? if so what am I doing wrong

Are you wanting the ruida controlled machines to be connected via USB or Ethernet? Either way should be ok. It’s just a matter of understanding the following:

Hi I use USB

Even if the small laser is connected and working as soon as you switch the large laser on the software automaticly sends file to the large laser and not the small laser

It you select ‘Auto’ this will happen, but you should be able to choose the COM port for each laser on two instances of LightBurn. It’s possible this was not working properly with the last release of LightBurn but I believe it’s been fixed for the pending release.

when will the fix be released?

I just checked the selection is auto but you can manually select which laser to use but it defaults to one all the time, there is no option for selecting a com port

Are you using Serial/USB or Packet/USB? The 1st one will let you choose a port, the second might not.

Click the Devices button, then select your laser and it should show you near the bottom, like this:

Oz, tried that several times I have both lasers installed and working independently with no issue when only one is switched on the problem occurs when the second laser is switched on, apparently its a bug in the software which has now been sorted and will be released shortly

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