Is there a bug with kerf offset per layer?

Wondering if there is a bug with kerf offset per layer??
I am cutting a file that has interlocking ends, it is my last layer cut. I tested cutting just that profile line layer and set the kerf offset how i wanted for a tight fit.
All previous layer line cuts have kerf offset of 0.
When I select all and cut…my profile with the kerf offset that i set…is now way too loose…i’m wondering if the kerf offset is being ignored…or what is happening?
Anyone else experienced this?

If I’m following you, then the layer should be handled as a layer – even grouped with other layers.

I believe I’ve done this a number of times…

If it’s broken, can you provide more information?

Good luck


I’ve done a small test, using just a portion of the file i was cutting and it worked fine doing the test…unsure what happened here. I will be recutting the full again and can compare against the test…Shouldn’t be any different, multiple layers and settings the same still.
Unclear why i was getting this result.

found the issue…path wasn’t closed…should have thought to always check that first.
Autojoin and close path did the trick.

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