Issue with lightburn but not tool software

I recently purchased a tool D1 pro 10w laser. I saw a lot of ads for lightburn. I installed it and found the laser. When I sent the laser to the home position, the belt would jump when it got to the left back corner. Seems that the limit switch wasn’t working. I fought it for a while, and then I got mad and Installed the xtool software. When I sent the laser to the left back corner, it didn’t have the same issue. I’ve read everything that I can find but it nothing related to this specific issue. Lastly, ever time I turn the laser or computer off, lightburn says it can’t connect and that the port might be busy. It is the only thing I have plugged in to my computer.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Lightburn has nothing to do with those limit switches. When you use Lightburn to home the machine, it issues a $H command to the controller and waits for a reply from the controller, usually “ok”. You fiddled with the switches, got the xTool software to Home successfully, right? Did you try using Lightburn to Home the machine after that?

If Lightburn failed again, there is a really good chance you do not have limit switches and the $H command cannot be used. To confirm…

  1. Disable Auto-home on startup in the Device Settings window.
  2. Power up the laser with the USB not connected.
  3. Connect the USB cable.
  4. Select the correct com port in the Laser window.
  5. In the Console window, enter the $H command.
  6. The machine should start heading for the Home position.
    If it fails to Home properly, xTool is likely using software tricks to “Home” the machine, which is really just moving to an Origin position.

Report back the results you get and we can go from there.


Welcome to the LB forum Mark.

That’s very odd, shouldn’t do that.
Unless Youre describing the grinding sound that comes from the stepper motor when the limit doesn’t work as intended for some reason.
It’d be probably safe to say that every single one who has used xTool D1 Pro has run into that xTool “feature” at least once.
And most likely will in the future as well :frowning_face: .

Start with the obvious ones first:

#1 A quality USB cable is a must, even if it’s a short one.
#2 the lbdev. file has to be for the D1 PRO



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Sorry for taking soo long to reply. I moved the limit switch when it was doing it on the frame. That fixed that jumping problem. I tried the same thing on the gantry but it still does it when sending the laser home. I found the com port setting and now I don’t have to start all over every time I open lightburn, so thank you for that

Sounds like the Xaxis switch may need a little more adjustment, but you are getting there.

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