Hello all,
I have been having issues with certain files stopping part way through the program and the motherboard rebooting and the laser rehomes, not sure why this is happening. I am using windows 10, with GRBL, and an xtool D1 Pro 20w. I contacted xtool, and they thought it was the motherboard, so I received a new one, installed it, and it took off right away, but it’s doing the same thing with certain files, it just stops and rehomes. Can anyone help me PLEASE!!!
Can you upload a Lightburn file (drag it to the Reply box) that is doing this? Several people might try to duplicate your issue.
ChristmasSleighOrnament.lbrn2 (906.8 KB)
Clack Shack-farm pack ornaments.dxf (1.8 MB)
Do they stop at same spot?
No, it seems to vary with each one, each time I try to run them.
I have several files that are acting up, but all my old ones seem to run just fine.
I just ran them using Preview at 10x. I did not see anything that would indicate a design problem.
Are the old ones as complex as this one? Have you run the old ones lately?
Various open shapes, but I don’t know if that would present problem trying to cut.
Yes, I have run the older files on a regular basis. I am wondering if they designed and saved the files with a different version of lightburn, I have the latest firmware, but they seem to have issues.
I am not sure why they cause issues, but they stop my laser and cause it to rehome.
Could it be the computer itself? I see the light on the motherboard blink each time it stops and rehomes. i did try another laptop and it did the same thing so I am lost as to the issue.
To save time, and stress the system, I set the speeds to 3000mm/min and 1% power. It ran thru with no issues.
Maybe the controller board is the culprit.
If these are store bought, it is likely a different software package than LB was used to create them. You might try Exporting as an SVG or DXF and then OPEN it back into Lightburn. If there is something flakey in the file, this might clean it up. Or error out.
Will have to return in a couple of hours…
Ok, well, I have tried everything I can think of short of throwing everything out the window. Sorry if I sound harsh, but I am trying to get product out for 3 back to back craft shows, this is frustrating. It has been working great up until 2 weeks ago when I did the firmware update, and it has been a problem ever since. I have even talked with xtool and they sent a new motherboard, and I changed it, it took off right away so I thought all was well, but same issues. I have reuploaded the files and tried that again, same issue, It’s not the computer, cause I tried a totally different one and have the same issue. I have no idea where to go from here, I am looking for any help. Thank you to those that have responded so far, and I appreciated the advise and help, but nothing is working and I am losing hope really fast. I would love to do a zoom type meeting with anyone and try to figure this out. it is beyond what I know. sorry for the long message, but I am desperate. Thank you
Sorry you are having problems. I understand the stress that comes from having deadlines. When someone offers suggestions, they are hoping for a response to every suggestion.
I am going to export your file as an SVG and post it here shortly. In the meantime, try turning on DTR in the Device Settings window.
For testing purposes, crank up the speed and lower power to 0.5%. Whether or not it completes is important.
I have to leave in 1/2 hour, so another deadline…
IMPORT this file and see if it works. I am wondering how much of that project is run at one time. I could only test one block of the ornaments, not the entire project. If you are running the entire project, try doing it in sections at a time.
I take it this is entirely a CUT operation and you are not outputting the green text?
I will try to rerun it as you suggested, but at this time, I am resetting my computer wondering if it got a bug in it that is causeing the issues. saving my files at this time,and then resetting back to factory settings like a new one, then have to reload all the programs and then test and trial. Thank you again for the info.
I am running the program in sections as it is to large for my work area. Thank you again for all the help and suggestions, I am trying hard to get this up and running.
I know you are. Keep us posted on the results.
The Clack-Shack one will be LB, Dave does just about all his design work in LB, just a matter of which version they were done in.
This could indicate a possible heat issue with the control board, you might try a fan blowing on the controller and see if that resolves the issue.
Indeed! I stand corrected.
Ok, I have tried everything I know of to get this working. i totally formatted my laptop and reloaded the software and latest firmware, and it is still acting up. I even took a totally different laptop and put xcs on it, and it is showing that the laser disconnects, I have no idea why.
Question I have, the only this I did when I swapped the motherboard out was switch the SD card over into the new motherboard, Is tthere a chance the SD card is corrupt or bad, and if so, can I put a new one in it and load the firmware into it to possibly correct the issue?