Issues with Lightburn not engraving designed image with Creality 10W laser

Using a Creality 10W laser engraver and the Lightburn software. Have created a design for Christmas presents and the engraving process continually loses its home position and engraves line segments in the wrong positions.

Most likely a mechanical issue, but no suggestions can be offered. Maybe supply a different image showing what it is doing?

Thank you for your response.

The engraver continuously loses its home position while it is engraving a various different times and then will engrave images in the wrong positions. As you can see in the image above, lines are not consistent and the engraver will add them is other spots.

If this is a mechanical issue, how is it corrected? Does that mean it is with the laser engraver itself?

Thanks for your help in advance.

Once Lightburn sends the commands to the laser, it is up to the laser to execute them properly.

It does not lose the Home position, that is set by limit switches if you have them. If there is something on the rails, it is banging into the frame, the timing belts are loose, or it is snagging on the wiring, then it can lose position. This still sounds mechanical.

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I really appreciate your help with this. I have cleaned the len and didn’t see any scratches, cleaned and readjusted the belts and everything else that i can find. I am not sure where the mirrors are so they have not been cleaned.

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Chloe / Adams2 quoted general advice for CO₂ lasers, rather than your Creality’s diode; it has no mirrors.

OK, thankyou.