Hey, got a swiitol C18 for Xmas and still can’t run it… currently on the most updated Lightburn free trial version and normally quite well with my MacOS but I simply cannot get the laser to run. Doesn’t frame, doesn’t home, doesn’t do nothing for me. I have been watching sooo many tutorials and keep repeating what they tell me to do…but laser won’t move for me So frustrating to spend so many hours and still have no success… anyone willing to help?
Auf Verbindung warten …
Target buffer size found
Grundstellung einnehmen
Rückkehr zur Ausgangsposition fehlgeschlagen. Endschalter in Suchentfernung konnte nicht gefunden werden. Definiert als 1,5 * max_travel bei der Suche und 5 * Abziehen bei Suchphasen.
GRBL.lbdev (4.1 KB)
Auto-Home on startup is disabled.
As a start move your laser by hand to the lower left corner then plug laser to PC and to power.
Set GRBL device as default.
Thank you so much, this DID work! No idea what had been wrong… so I did the light burn material test (settings attached) and all that was printed were 3 barely visible and 2 half visible boxes… What am I doing wrong here?
Going with it having a 15w optical output, your Material Test numbers are reasonable. That leaves 2 variables, material and focus. Focus is critical for maximum power into the material. Experiment with the distances and report back here.
…well thank you first of all!
I did move the laser a touch closer to the wood than suggested with plastic distancer but still no change… don’t dare to go any closer cause its only 3mm as it is now…
How would I change the focus? Wouldn’t have anything to do with the z-paramter, would it?
I just have the feeling the laser doesnt have enough power…
Try moving the laser 5mm closer, and 5mm farther away from your material (from the standard focus height) You should see an improvement in one of those results if your focus is off.
Thanks everyone… put the laser 2mm closer and finally got a small a few squares of my material test board lasered but then the power supply started fuming right after the job and so now I can’t do any more tests…
I work with AI and indd and am quite good with computers but this hobby is really frustrating and taking DAYS of reading and trying with not one positive… too bad, I thought it would be fun
One other thing to check:
Enter $$ in the Console window. in the list that is produced, look for the $30 parameter. Normally 1000, it should match the S-value max (lower right) in the Device Settings window.
If your laser is 15w optical power output, it should be plenty powerful enough to smoke that wood.
Thank you, I did check that before and compared with the settings, all parameters are what I think they should be except $10=1 instead of 0 (but I didn’t find where to change that)
So new power supply came and turns on but after 2 sec and 4 little dots lasering the laser stops… is there any problem with my electricity? How can I check and what are the values supposed to be like?
Anyone able to help?
Several questions have been asked or suggestions offered and you have not responded. Read thru the posting and reply to each.
I have one to add to your list. On the laser head, does it list the optical output power? What is the total input power to your laser? I am beginning to think your “15w” laser is actually 1.5w optical output power. That would explain the burn results you are getting.
My 10w laser easily burns birch at 2400mm/m and 30% power. Try setting your speed to 500mm/m and 50% power.
This is a new problem you did not mention until after installing the new power supply. It is very possible you have a new supply that does not have enough capacity. Did you try switching back to the old supply?
As for troubleshooting on your own, we will be happy to sit back and see how it goes. There is 50/50 odds you will hit on the solution, but the same odds apply to not. When asking for help, it is best you not do anything without being told to do first. If you have an idea, offer it up to get opinions on it. There is a stunning amount of knowledge and experience in the Lightburn Community.
Yeah I had no choice but change it cause it won’t work anymore, not even after cooling down… will try a different power supply I guess… too bad Swiitol can’t be reached in any way (or doesnt answer…)