Just setup my new 80w red and blk chinese laser..engraving upside down and backwards

I have searched…cannot find answer…Im sure I have read about it sometime ago…just cant figure it out.
Help would be appreciated.
80w chinese laser
Ruida controller

Ruida systems are typically set to home to their limit switches. This is known as the machine origin and would be the 0,0 location for your laser. Where does your system home when you turn it on? That is where you will want to set the ‘Machine Origin’ in LightBurn. This is done during the initial profile setup for this laser and can be changed by selecting the "spanner/screwdriver icon at the top-middle of the screen (image).

So I would guess that you need to change the ‘Machine Origin’ to the opposite corner from your currently set location.

got it worked out, thanks

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