K40 Mini Gerbil homing

Is it possible on homing to the rear left to instruct the head to move the x axis all the way to the left and then move the y axis to the rear. I find that it homes to the centre rear and stalls if it is on the right half of the work table, so by moving the axis seperately I hope to avoid this. Cheers

I’m not aware of a way to have Grbl home 1 axis at a time. You can look over Grbl config options here https://github.com/gnea/grbl/wiki/Grbl-v1.1-Configuration looks like $22 - $27 are specifically for homing. But I’d think if your stalling when homing your going to stall while engraving as well. Should try to figure out why it’s stalling to begin with. Some possible reasons are low current to the stepper drivers, speed, acceleration settings, linear rails / bearings dragging, over tight belts.

Sorry, didn’t explain that very well, it only stalls/stops when the gantry hits the rear Y axis limit switch, the x axis is then disabled as well so I then have to jog the head over to home. It’s not the end of the world, just annoying. Cheers

If it stalls when the axis hits the rear limit, then there’s likely something wrong. Homing means it’s actually looking for those switches, and will stop moving that axis when it finds them. If it thinks it has run into the opposite side, for example, it might halt.

An easy way to test this theory would be to just push the head to the right and then power cycle it. If it stalls or halts when it hits the Y limit, instead of just completing the homing cycle, you likely have an issue.

It is possible to reconfigure grbl to home one axis at a time but it must be done at code complie time as certain options in config.h need to be changed . I do not have a mini grbl as I use an old MKS DLC v2 cnc controller board and I had to do a fair ammount of reconfiguring to get it in a happy place using inverted (optical) switches and to remove Z axis homing etc so have a little knoledge of how to compile a fresh build of grbl from the main repo. If your mini grbl board is running from an arduino nano chipset you may be able to get the source from the original design and tweak the settings, compile a new version and upload it to the controller.

As Oz suggests first off before any custom built firmware you need to sort the traveling problem you already have. Do you have mechanical (3d printer style) endstop switches or do you have optical switches fitted ? because they work differently. also have you got hard limit setting enabled instead of soft limit and homing cycle ?

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