Well i checked the squareness of the gantry and its a little out but i got it as close to square as i could. If i squared up one corner it would be out in another so i just tried to get it as even as possible.
Still having the same issue. Its definitely worse as i try to up the speed. What speed should i be able to do just a simple rectangle and be able to have perfectly straight lines?
I also adjusted the stepper motor current down to 1.2. It made them quieter but not sure it did anything else.
On the C3D Mini Stepper currents are adjusted via trimpots on the board, not via the config file as suggested above. Just making sure you know that.
If you are running the board with an external power supply then you can safely go ahead and turn those 45 to 90 degrees clockwise to increase the motor currents.
You’re talking about the little screws on the stepper motor drivers, correct? What does adjusting the current on the stepper motors do exactly?
I will adjust the config file back to what it was then, although I’m sure it doesn’t have any effect.
I just pulled the gantry down on the right side on “notch” on the belt, now it seems to be making straighter vertical lines. Apparently where i thought the gantry looked straight isn’t where the gantry thinks its square.
I just did some rectangles increasing my speed up to 500mm/s in LB, i’m sure its not a true 500mm/s but it made the lines straight. So i’m happy.
I see that you fixed your issue. Can you do me a favor and run some vector text and see if it still has those wiggly lines? text has more direction changes than a box and I have the same issue so looking to see if this is the fix.
I’ve actually been doing text all day today! It looks great! It appears my issue was the gantry wanted to not be perfectly square. I guess it was fighting itself.