Kan je 2 diodo lasers te gelijk aansturen op 1 laptop via lightburn (Can you control 2 diode lasers at the same time on 1 laptop via lightburn)

Goedenavond, Ik heb een vraag is het mogelijk om 2 diodo (sculpfun s9) te gelijk aan te sturen via lightburn met maar 1 pc??

Good evening, I have a question is it possible to control 2 diodos (sculpfun s9) at the same time via lightburn with only 1 pc??

Yes. As long as you can get the lasers to show under 2 different COM ports you can open multiple instances of LightBurn and connect to one laser for each instance.

Beste berainlb,

Ik probeer dit namelijk maar als ik wissel van com poort dan schakel de ene laser uit, en gaat deze niet verder. ik doe dan zeker iets verkeerd?

Dear berainlb,

I’m trying to do this, but when I change the com port, one laser turns off, and it doesn’t go any further. am i doing something wrong then?

So to confirm you have 2 separate instances of LightBurn running?

And in instance 1 you have COM3 (for example) for laser 1? And on instance 2 you have COM4 (for example) for laser 2?

Can you see 2 different devices listed for the 2 lasers in Device Manager?

Ik heb de ene sculpfun om com 3 en de ander op com 4, maar als ik nu de ene laat laseren en open een nieuw venster in lightburn en kies voor com 3 dan stopt com 4 ermee

I have one sculpfun on com 3 and the other on com 4 but now if I laser one and open a new window in lightburn and choose com 3 then com 4 will stop

You need to open LightBurn twice. So that you can see 2 LightBurns on the screen at the same time.

An easy way to do this is to click on the LightBurn icon on the taskbar at the bottom while holding the shift key.

Now that 2 windows are open… in one of them, select COM3. In the other window pick COM4.

Super bedankt, sorry voor mijn domme vraag. Maar bedankt voor je antwoord en je hulp!!

Thank you very much, sorry for my stupid question. But thanks for your answer and your help!!

Glad I was able to help. And it’s certainly not a stupid question. It’s not obvious. Good luck with your burning.

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