Laptop Recommendations


I just got a 60 watt MOPA fiber and want to have a designated laptop for this unit. Any recommendations? I prefer windows based laptop.

My only recommendation is screen size. If not big enough you will struggle to get windows to dock. Not sure what minimum is. I ended up getting refurbished Dell and got a bigger monitor for my house and used old monitor for laser. Much happier.

I second this. I had a terrible lightburn on my little gateway tablet…been using my gaming PC to drive and thr screen size is a life saver…something sbout the UI scaling in LB is off for smaller sizes.

As others have stated, the screen resolution is really more important. I’d get something with at least a 1080 display. The LightBurn UI requires a certain amount of space for things to have a place to go and dock properly. Could always get a laptop and put an external screen on it for more real estate for the UI as well, but the bigger the display, the happier you will be in the end.

LightBurn does not require a powerful computer for most work, though if your designs contain a lot of images, more memory is helpful.

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