Large size continue cutting

The camera could help you align that, but I’m not sure it would be as accurate as you’d want. When doing large jobs with my CNC machine, I used registration marks on the job to line up the work so the two halves align exactly.

Like this:

I’ve split the job by breaking the cut into a left & right section. The two small black squares are the marks to align the two halves. Make two files - One with just the black layer, and the other with the red layer and the two black squares. Cut the black file first, then load the 2nd file with the red vectors and the black squares.

Select the top square and click Arrange > Move laser to upper left of selection. Use the red-dot pointer on your machine to line up the black square you already cut with where the laser head is now. Do the same for the other square, trying not to move the top one. Repeat this once or twice until both squares are exactly right, then cut the 2nd job.

Does this make sense as I’ve explained it?

You could do this with the camera too, instead of using the red-dot pointer to line up the two halves, just place & rotate the 2nd file so it lines up with capture of the first one, but it’ll likely be off by a 1/4 to 1/2 a mm. On something of this size that probably doesn’t matter though.