I’m new to the group and engraving. I have a 7050 Chinese laser, a 60w laser and use lightburn. I have recently bought the lightburn camera and installed it went through lens calibration and aligning numerous times to get the same result (see photo). I do not have an offset enabled, I got .20 or less on all lens calibration captures and selected the middle perfectly on all for targets from aligning. I select the center of the target after all calibration and aligning and tell it to engrave a circle and it does not go to the location I want. I drew a circle over the target without moving the lid (camera affixed to lid) or moving the paper after the aligning. I purposely engraved the five circles but on lightburn I drew them right on top of the target to show that it is consistently off .75" on x axis and 1.75" on y axis. What am I doing wrong. Please ignore the one engraved circle overlapping the circle from the aligning template that was a mistake the other 5 are accurate to my problem. Thank you for the comments.
Do you have non-zero values for X-Shift and Y-Shift on the Camera Control window? If so, try zeroing these out.
They are both at 0.
Are you using Absolute Coords for your coordinates? You need to be for this to work correctly.
If yes, can you send a screenshot of LightBurn with an overlay?