Laser beam align

Im struggling to align laser beam with my new laser tube. each time I successfully align it Im having to do it again after 5 minutes. Any help is much appreciated.
for OMTECH 60w
Thank you

That suggests one of the mirrors is loose under its retaining ring or the entire mirror mount is not firmly attached. It’s possible the focus lens is loose in its mount, so take the laser head apart and check that lock ring, too.

Make sure everything is tight and nothing wobbles along the entire beam path, starting at the laser tube in its clamps and ending at the tip of the nozzle.

Thank you so much! yes the 2nd mirror was loose. I spent so many hours because of this silly mistake. thank you once again,

Ah, but now you’ll never make it again! :grin:

Of course, we’ll both make different silly mistakes, but that’s just how things go …

(I’ll take the liberty of moving this thread to a machine-specific topic and ticking the Solved button, so other folks can find it and benefit from your experience.)

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