Laser cuts line before starting shape

I have got everything working, except…
The laser moves into correct position ready to cut a shape (say simple rectangle), but before cutting the shape, it moves in a line with the laser burning on the Y axis to the front (Y0). Then it burns back along the same path before burning the requested shape. I have tried this using a PC running Microsoft 11, so is not a mac / PC issue.
Is this some setting that I need to change - Any help appreciated!

Running latest version of Lightburn on MacBook using High Sierra (10.13.6)
Laser is a Benbox.

It’s an imported shape or a design made by you?

Just using the basic shapes in lightburn - tried with letters, same thing. Tried importing an SVG shape - same thing.

Draw a shape and post the project file (.lbrn2) where this happens.

Are you able to tell me how to do this - total nube!

I’m not on the PC, read along

Can you show us an example of the problem?
Sounds like you are describing this.
Troubleshooting: Laser Keeps Firing During Travel Moves - LightBurn Documentation (

Thanks for the help
I have done a bit more testing …I created the letter S with the type tool, and depending on where I place it I either get or don’t get the problem. Mostly the problem occurs, but If I try moving it around the space it will sometimes work. No other settings are changed.

I have attached the Lightburn and the gcode file (I can’t see anything there, but I am no expert) with it in one of the positions where it occured.

S test DOES NOT work.gc (5.9 KB)
S test DOES NOT work.lbrn2 (22.1 KB)

You are using GRBL-M3.
In Lightburn Console window
Type $I enter
Type $$ enter
and copy/paste here the output.

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