I have lightburn since february 2021 I started with the Gcode version and then I added the dsp for a Co2 and an hour ago I added the galvo for the fiber laser.
I can’t get the lightburn fiber laser to be recognized on my laptop…yet my laptop recognizes the fiber laser by connecting to ezcad so there is a connection… Could you tell me if it’s normal or if it is necessary to redownload the version of lightburn which I have? (1.0.06)
Galvo Fiber support was added in the 1.2.xx versions of the software:
So, unless you have version 1.2 xx you will not have Fiber support. You’ll need to download the latest release version (1.2.01) and install that to get the fiber support.
Galvo install instructions here:
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Merci pour la réponse, j’ai téléchargé la mise à jour et c’est ok maintenant merci
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