Laser moves to 1st location and stops!

My Ortur LM2 was working perfectly, then I updated the Lightburn software. Now, I add an item to the bed and select FRAME, The laser goes to the starting location and freezes. Software shows that it’s working, but have a red light on unit and it will not move. Also won’t move when manually commanded through the MOVE tab. This is the message I get:

Waiting for connection…



[MODEL: Ortur Laser Master 2]

[OLF: 140]

[DATE:13:36:28 - Dec 31 2020]



Target buffer size found






Starting stream

Stream completed in 0:00


Reset while in motion. Grbl cannot guarantee position. Lost steps are likely. Re-homing is highly recommended.

Ortur Laser Master 2 Ready!

OLF 140.

Grbl 1.1h [’$’ for help]

[MSG:’$H’|’$X’ to unlock]

[MSG:Caution: Unlocked]



Starting stream

Stream completed in 0:02


Reset while in motion. Grbl cannot guarantee position. Lost steps are likely. Re-homing is highly recommended.

[MSG:Pgm End]


Ortur Laser Master 2 Ready!

OLF 140.

Grbl 1.1h [’$’ for help]

[MSG:’$H’|’$X’ to unlock]

[MSG:Caution: Unlocked]


Can someone PLEASE help??
Video can be seen at Facebook

That looks like it could be a brown-out. ALARM:3 is generally when the board resets itself for some reason, and the typical reason when just starting to fire is an inadequate power supply. If you set the laser power really low, like 1%, does it keep going?

Actually…it DOES! It will burn, but it won’t frame. How would I fix this?

Are you framing while holding the ‘Shift’ key to enable the beam? If so, what power have you set for that? The only reason I can think of that it would reset when framing is if you had the beam power up, and your power supply wasn’t strong enough to provide the amount of power requested.

  • Is the power adapter the one that came with the kit? (and the laser too?)
  • Can you see what it’s rated for? (IE, how many amps output it has)
  • Also check to make sure it’s plugged in properly, and all the connections to the laser itself are snug

I use the frame option to figure out the position of the work area on the product. I’ve been unable to get my camera to match up, so this was my go-to. Maybe I have a setting wrong, causing it to not 'frame or allow me to move the unit using the directional move buttons?

Yes, it’s the same that came with the kit. I’ve checked all plus. I was not holding shift key, just ‘frame’

12v output

Which version of LightBurn did you update to?

1.0.02 is what is installed

Video Dropbox - Video Sep 09, 5 17 11 - Simplify your life

Can you help?