Hi there, let me explain my situation. A few days ago my laser started to skip parts of jobs, firing only on some parts and turning off on others. Now it doesn’t fire up at all, nor on framing neither on cutting. Just gave a thorough clean to all mechanical parts and had a deep dive in troubleshooting all the possible scenarios and just did the 5v test. This test lights the laser like a charm. I suppose connections are ok, otherwise from all the tutorials i understand it should not be working. These are my actual machine settings:
The 5v test (whatever that is) being ok means the laser can fire. That leaves two possibilities, the most likely listed first:
The control voltage wire is broken or not making good contact at one of the plugs. This is the wire between the laser head and the GRBL controller board. The cable gets a lot of flexing, so a wire inside can break.
The laser controller board, likely on top of the laser, has gone bad.
@MikeyH Yesterday i attempted using the old cables i had before upgrading to the area expansion kit. Also with those cables the laser would not fire up, fan is working but no laser at all. I am starting to think that the problem is your second option. In that case what can i do? Will i have to replace the module? Do you think the issue could be fixed buying spare parts at a electronics shop?
I understand that the 5V test was successful. Then the laser head should be ok. The wiring as well. This would only leave the mainboard as the cause. To rule out a software issue, you can try to use LaserGRBL first. Next would be to flash the firmware again, you will also find it on the wiki you already checked. Your overall firmware settings look ok.
Hi Melvin and thanks for your message. What do you mean by flashing the firmware? Updating? Lightburn has been updated to 1.6 if i’m not mistaken. I have followed your suggestion of using LaserGBRL. Same result. Everything working but laser not firing.
By the way, I am working with a windows 10 laptop, and i wanted to try to see if anything changes on a mac. Could this be an issue?
Can you tell me how i can be 100% sure the issue is due to the mainboard? I am thinking of buying a cable and mainboard replacement.
The board I am talking about is the little one sitting atop the laser module. I have not reviewed the 12v Test, but @misken seems to think that passed the test. He has MUCH more experience than I, so follow his lead.
“Flash the controller” means upload software to the controller board. There is a ton of info on how to do this on the internet. Lightburn has nothing to do with it. A fresh copy of Lightburn rarely solves laser problems.
That’s putting the control software on the mainboard again. As described here: Firmware Update & Settings - Diode Laser Wiki. I suspect that the signal output is not working anymore (for whatever reason). So it’s worth to try.
Replacing the mainboard and cabling could be a last resort, but since the 5V test worked, the cable seems to be ok.
Download the Sculpfun Upload tool and the firmware file. Then connect the laser to the PC, start the tool, choose the correct COM port and firmware file and click on start. There are images on the page explaining the process.
Running --port COM3 --baud 115200 --after no_reset --chip esp32 write_flash --flash_size 8MB --flash_mode dout 0x00 C:\Users\USER\Desktop\sculpfun-S30-12-26.bin…
esptool.py v4.4-dev
Serial port COM3
Could not open COM3, the port doesn’t exist
Which symptoms did remain? The firmware was flashed (using the correct COM port, I guess). Then maybe reset the firmware to defaults by sending $RST=* in console window. What issues arise then?
Reset the firmware to defaults, i am on a scuplfun s30 pro, but nothing has changed since the beginning the laser is still not firing on frame command and cut.
Did you confirm that $30=1000 and S-value max is set for 1000?
These two numbers have to match. Mismatching these values is the most common cause for unanticipated laser power levels. (high or low).
There is some motion planning in the controller that can reduce power if you are commanding a high engrave speed that is beyond what the hardware can reliably produce.
If your speed in the Move window is higher than the Maximum (travel) rate $110, $111 6000 mm/minute or 100mm/second the engraver will reduce power output to not overburn your work.
The definitions for the Machine Settings can be found here:
But the 5V test is working, right? You can try LaserGRBL to rule out a settings issue. If that doesn’t help as well, you might need to replace the mainboard, as discussed.