Laser not firing right after upgrade

Upgraded to 9.16, now laser is not shutting off between burns, have tried every trick I know to no avail.
Keyestudio controller. Custom machine. GRBL

Thanx, have the grbl code right, this is a generic Chinese diode laser 20W, worked perfectly before I upgraded and tried reloading the previous version but didn’t help, I’m also seeing some odd results when I click the “fire” button to orient the laser, busy light stays lit after it turns off and locks up the controller with a hard lock alarm, so I’m suspecting there may be a problem with the controller, usb cable, etc.
Odd it happened after I upgraded. Will update this after I investigate further, thanks for the help!

Reflash the firmware. Use a recent one, like 1.1f

Remember to save your current settings to a file, first.

Swapped the controller out, (I usually keep a spare on hand) voila, everything worked! Don’t know what the problem was, but I really appreciate your help, thanx again!

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Me again. Laser back to firing between lines &^#$^&! What connection in the controller controls the on/off laser cycle. I have the TTL connection on the laser connection, laser voltage on the motor output.
Set grbl to $32=1, still firing between lines. Also get a hard limit warning at the end of a burn and laser is still busy, have to reset everytime. Any help appreciated.

Hard limit warning is likely the laser returning to where your limit switches are and hitting them, if they’re at the origin. You can turn off ‘Return to Finish Position’ or you can move the finish position away from the switches a little.

For the laser firing all the time, I don’t know which controller you’re referring to. GRBL runs on Arduino devices and lots of others too, so assuming that, this might help:

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