I have a Redsail x700 and will not move on x axis (it will physically move but not using arrow keys on controller). Any ideas? On initial start up it moves to home spot just fine…
If it’s homing ok that means the motor drivers and motors are probably ok.
Does the Ruida display the proper 0, 0 value for the x and y locations along with no error messages of any type?
You can check the Ruida, which has an LED that shows if there is a hardware issue. It’s the ‘err’ led, on my 6442 it’s LED number 13.
Table is at the bottom left, the ‘err’ indicator is 13, it’s on the upper right. Wire is partially obscuring the table for err…
Although probably working, you can double check the motor drivers, they have a failure led also, below the green power led…
Good luck
Thank you for this. I can confirm my “err” is number 13 too but not illuminated. However number 14 “run” is flashing… not sure if thats is normal or not.
I can’t see anything obviously wrong here either. The laser head does not move using on lightburn either (the home button works on lightburn though).
Any other ideas? Thanks for all your help by the way.
Is your X limit connected to LmtX- (CN4, pin 4) or LmtX+ (CN4, pin 5)?
The LmtX+ if for limit switches, do you have limit switches in addition to homing switches?
I’m assuming that you don’t, there are no other limits connected.
If you look at the red arrows they are wired to the LmtY- and LmtZ-, whereas the green arrow shows a connection to LmtX+. I would think it should be on LmtY- (CN4, pin 4). Probably why the X axes is acting up…
Ok thank you and excuse me for my ignorance but does that just mean if i switch to connector number 4 next door this should work?
Sorry i have just seen that in the bottom of your post. I will try this. Thanks so much. I will let you know how I get on.
I’d just move it from LmtX+ to LmtX- and ensure the controllers configuration is correct.
Good luck
Thank you. I tried doing this and the belt drive starting violently vibrating and making a horrific sound. Stuck for ideas now. Any thoughts?
The laser is no longer going to home on the y axis. The laser head still physically moves but when turn the machine on only returns to home on the x axis.
I assumed you wired this. Is that the case?
Make sure both the X and Y limit switches are the same type. I can see no reason that it would be wired to the ‘hard limit’ switch input. Few use that option as you lose functional working area.
We need to look at this in more detail…
No i bought it 2nd hand, however I have managed to sort it and it is cutting beautifully. Thanks so much for your help.
Great it’s up…
It would be nice if you could specify the problem ‘fix’ and mark this solved. Others with the same problem will gain nothing here as is.
Take care… happy cutting
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