Laser not off between cuts $32=1

The laser seems to not be completely off between cuts, but $32 is set to 1.
This happened after the tube change.

[ . MiniGerbil_MG3:]
Target buffer size found

Can somebody please help me troubleshoot this?

Kind regards

Was this the only hardware or software change made?

What prompted the tube change?

I suspect the symptoms are caused by a bad LPS. If you have a voltmeter probe the PWM signal from the controller to confirm you are getting 0V at 0% power.

No, on top of that, I have run the PWM signal from the MG3 to the “positive” side of the potentiometer to have manual control over laser power during jobs.

Whats LPS?

You were right, after reverting PWM signal from the MG3 directly to the power controll on PSU it solved the issue.

In that case, is there a way for me to wire it so I still have manual control (through pot)?

I’m not super familiar with how MG3 is wired but if it’s sufficiently close to C3D board then take a look at this:
LaserBoard LPSU Connection Guide - Cohesion3D

I don’t think it works as you expect.

You can wire it up like they do for a K40 type…

The pot sets the tube current and the pwm turns the tube on/off at the specified rate. What exactly are you wanting to control?

I’d suggest you use the pwm to control the IN value…

Does your lps have a current limit port…


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