Laser or software

I have a 80W red/black with Ruida controller and Lightburn. Everything worked great right out of the box but now I have developed an issue I can’t resolve myself.

When I send a cut or engrave to the laser the mA meter is registering only about 5mA regardless of percentage I set either in the controller or in Lightburn. Is this the start of something else? Tube is purple and has less than 60 hours on it.

Pulse gives full power - i.e. 80% on the controller and I am getting 19mA.

How fast are you traveling for the cut? Ruida has a default, lower limit to the speed setting, typically set to 10mm/s or less that will reduce the power output. This is known as the “start speed” - IE, the speed at which it starts ramping power up to the Max Power setting. Could this be the issue you are seeing?

Here is a bit more on the topic:

I have min and max are set at 80% speed is at 300mm per sec. This was set for engraving

I apologize, I needed to be a little more specific, the controller was set at 80%min 80% max. Those are not my typical settings. I just did that to exclude certain possibilities

Anyone else…could sure use the help

Double-click on your layer setting, take a screen shot, and post that here so we can see it.

I do not know if this is your problem or not, but I had a similar issue. I could not get the power up, turned out mine was that I had moved the machine and when I hooked it all back up, as the plug was the same, I had plugged the laser into 120v instead of 220v.
Hope that helps

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