I am a brand new user: with a neje master 2s+ and Mac OS 11.61. I am having a difficult time understanding “home” and “origin”. I was trying to set the configuration so that home and origin are the same so that I don’t get confused but have not been successful. Also
When I select my device and change the origin location, the connection between lightburn and the neje is lost (even though the neje shows the red/yellow light combination indicating GRBL) and I have to quit and restart Lightburn to reconnect.
When I click on “go to origin” lightburn drives the neje past its dimensions; the step motor want to continue to move the laser but there is no where to go further.
Do you have suggestions or instructions/guides that would help me? I am watching tutorials but they have not helped with the above yet. And I want to buy your software but want to make sure I can operate it.
Home is where the machine physically homes to. Origin is where 0,0 is considered. You’re swimming upstream by trying to make home and origin the same on the 2s Plus. The “intended” setup is Home to back left and Origin at front left.
Once set this way I suspect all your problems will go away.
Thanks - that helped. Do you know why, even though I set the dimensions in lightburn to 420 x 255 as specified by NEJE, when I click, e.g., go to origin, it moves the laser too far, causing the step motor to click, etc
I’m pretty sure (but I am a new user) that I have the dimensions correct, now that I have home and origin sorted out. The x axis of 255 and y axis of 420 seem correct. I can change to move to X and Y position coordinates and they track as expected. But when I go to origin, LB seems to want to move the laser too far. Maybe the NEJE specs are a bit off? I’ll play some more, maybe decreasing the dimensions, especially the Y dimension as that is where it seems to go too far
I have the same problem, when I try to get the home mode in the upper left corner to avoid having the laser where I work with the objects.
I do not understand why anyone would want it in any of the lower corners so if anyone knows if it can be solved so I would be grateful for an answer.
I have a few CNC3018 types, my first one has limits at all ends and I could set it up to home in any corner. Sometimes you had to make adjustments, but it did work.
I did this on the stock, Woodpecker control board. Been a few years…
My new Vevor has limits on all ends. It actually homed the Z axes down when I powered it up…
Ah… ok. You had listed the 420 first so assumed you meant that for X axis.
I have heard that some of the dimensions can be ambitious for the frame. You may be able to eke out a few more millimeters by moving the limit switches back if they’re adjustable.