Laser Origin Position Please help

80 watt and and black Rudia 644xs

Fitted a new prominently switch , but the head still went out of bounds on the restart so I thought I had to position the head where I wanted then reset the X to zero [ it was only 57mm out] ? But I somehow set them to x @ 9609mm and y @ 9389mm what have I done !!! Origin set to right rear on LB and laser head in far right as well. I hope that makes sense ?

In short laser head in correct position but I need to reset the x and y to 0.0mm instead of in the thousands :{

Thanks in advance Kevin

Hey Kevin I have a YoraHome 6550 40 watt machine. I’m gaveling same issue. Mine are reading up in the 16 thousands. Have know idea how it happened. I toggled all the way back down using arrows put in g code to zeros. And it went back up on its own :man_shrugging:

I have the sculpfun with the s9 diode laser. I am new at this… How do i get the laser head set so that it lines up on the table in center where i direct it on the software grid? I want to make it not go out of the boundries where i direct it?

Mike, You have a G-code machine. It’s Hugely different from Kevin’s Ruida.


I don’t know my way around the Ruida controller well enough to help Kevin but Mike’s g-code machine I could probably help with.

Mike, Please start a new thread in the GRBL group. Open the Console window and type $# and copy / paste that up there in your Question. Typing $$ into the console will get us some machine settings. That would be good to share there as well.

There’s a new Sculpfun group to help you. Please go to the Sculpfun group to get help shutting the homing off on your Sculpfun.

Thank you for starting your own thread.

No limit switches. Right now I have tried it on and off. I just did a hard reset. Gonna start from scratch. Any suggestions would be great

Hi Mike,
Your machine is a GRBL machine and quite different from the one at the start of the thread. I’ll go look for your new thread in the GRBL group.

I didn’t see it - and i’m starting to gather that you’re kind of new to forums in general. What i am going to do is take your other thread out of the ‘unofficial’ group (where you asked about the jog buttons) and move that into the GRBL Group - then… add to that…

Go here: this will help

You sent the g codes and coordinate codes to me privately less than an hour ago without a link or reference back to the thread.

After you reset your machine they will be likely different and no longer helpful.

If your machine starts working for you that’s fantastic but you’ll be further ahead asking for help on the other thread.

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