I am trying to engrave a picture and after engraving about 1/4" of the picture, the laser head moves to the right and starts engraving out of position. Sometime it also skips and moves erratically. What could be causing this issue?
the speed of the laser head is not high, that shouldn’t be a problem.
maybe the stepper or the stepper driver is defective?
are the amperes correct what the stepper driver sends to the motor?
does the stepper motor get very warm or is the temperature low?
What is the actual DPI of the file you’re sending to the laser? If you are using ‘Start’ and the DPI is really high, it could be that you are exceeding the processing speed of the Ruida.
Pressing ‘Start’ transfers some of the file, then the machine begins engraving while the transfer is still happening, so the laser is doing two things at once. If the detail of the file is really high, and the processor is busy, sometimes it can miss parts of the incoming file, so using ‘Send’ instead of ‘Start’ can solve this.
How are you connected to the machine? USB or Network?
Go to the laser, click ‘File’, use the arrows to pick the file, then click ‘Start’. You can also hold the Shift key in LightBurn to make it start for you as soon as the send completes.