
Any chance LASER_POWER_INLINE in the latest marlin branch will be implemented? Can I sign up to test? :smiley:

I have no idea what you just asked, or who you asked. :slight_smile:

I asked about a Marlin feature in 2.0 addressed to whomever at LightBurn works with Marlin.

OMG IT WORKS, sec on writeup

Export your gcode for Marlin to desktop. Open it in Notepad++ then:

  • replace all M03 with ā€œIā€
  • replace ^(I.+)[\n](G1.+)$ with $2 $1

Send that Gcode to marlin laser with that setting enabled, and you get this:

Stock Gcode for comparison:

If you could get this to the dev for the Marlin stuff Iā€™d like to request a switch to enable this for if itā€™s on in the firmware if possible. I already did the work like as requested.

So, if Iā€™m reading your regex pattern correctly, replace:

M03 S200
G1 X50


G1 X50 I200


Does it still need an M03 to turn on the laser?

Yes. Itā€™s using a look ahead to pull the next line up in front of the previous. No M03 for the laser turn on from what I can see.

I ran it on a Greyscale because what possibly harder could you run it on? Itā€™s showing some of my machine weak points which I expected but itā€™s also working. Itā€™s running at 60mm/s but I can see some slow down but not significant. Also on 3mm MDF and second time even trying greyscale so Iā€™m not expecting great results. :slight_smile: Still pretty impressed and like giddy excited. The fill on that pineapple in the video was hauling mass!

M3 / M5 still work for standard on/off, correct? Those are needed for ā€˜fireā€™ mode.

From what I can tell yes. The output of the normal code was working fine and this is still turning the laser off before/after movements.

The same firmware is running both of these with just the two replace codes run. So it should work exactly like ā€œnormalā€ without the inline replacements done, if that makes sense.

To help add:
In the Marlin source the code is actually this:

if (parser.seen('I') == DISABLED(LASER_POWER_INLINE_INVERT)) {


So only if it sees the ā€œIā€ on the line will it do anything special. Otherwise itā€™s the default M3/M4 behavior. M5 is not affected by the change so far as I can tell though there is a config option to:
Turn off the laser on G0 moves with no power parameter.

The fact that itā€™s so heavily configurable is what makes Marlin such a P.I.T.A to support. GRBL, for example, has ā€œLaser Modeā€. You set one flag in the firmware and all of this stuff just happens because thatā€™s how it should work. G0 is rapid, G1 is feed / cut.

How would you select a different tool - append P1 or another index on the end of the G1 command?

Iā€™m not really sure. I just went looking to see why it was pausing on power delay and then saw that config value and chased that route down. :frowning:

I like GRBL to an extent, itā€™s almost too simple. I have a little Woodpecker PCB CNC that was used to make the breakout for the K40ā€™s ribbon cable. Adding hardware endstops and a Z probe without compile was awesome. Trying to mill a double sided PCB, not so much. After brain transplanting a few deltas Marlin config isnā€™t that bad anymore. I still couldnā€™t tell you how to make a fan spin all the time with no extruders as theyā€™re intrinsically linked. I have to add an extruder to add a fan to set the fan to always spin for the lights to be dimmable? Nah. I just ran them to vmot on the empty stepper slots instead. I can use an inline dimmer if I really want.

Realtime engrave with the two replacements done:
(disregard any missed steps as the machine has only been alive two days)

thank you . I will test it tomorrow.

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Two fixes to it requested but looks really promising. :slight_smile:

Good . your motherboard ?

Iā€™m running a ā€œTrigorillaā€ from a delta printer(Anycubic). Itā€™s a generic Ramps 1.4 though. Mega2560 but a faster controller might be suggested. I tried out a 32 bit board but gave up on getting PWM to work before I got to change the board code in

One more thing I noticed. Looks like over-scanning is doing something goofy. Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s related to our change or not though. It looks like itā€™s setting the power to last setting when it does the reverse perhaps? Same options here but one has a 20% overscan (16mm)

An update, itā€™s working pretty well with just the ā€œStartā€ button. Iā€™m trying to track down some points itā€™s not turning the laser off and it appears it may relate to rapid movement but Iā€™m not far enough along the testing path to know. It could be Marlin or my machine so trying to narrow it down to the smallest repeatable fill before I ask too much. :slight_smile:

Hereā€™s one without the fill shapes separately on. Thereā€™s some certain condition when it jumps from one shape to the next it wonā€™t turn off, but for all jumps after that itā€™s on. Falling asleep last night I started to suspect it may have something to do with an X AND Y movement in the G1 with S0 but I need to validate):

And here it is with. It took longer to engrave but not THAT much longer, especially compared to ā€œnormal.ā€ You can see the pineapple bits themselves didnā€™t over-burn anywhere in this mode. The GCode for rapid travel in this export is different somewhat still but please donā€™t change it just yet. Itā€™s using M106 S0 instead of M5. I played around with trying to take the rapid code from one and move it into the other but it didnā€™t have the effect I was hoping for:

Iā€™m inclined to think my machine is poor and my setup is wrong, but the consistency here makes me think itā€™s something more. Iā€™m managing to have a little effect on it, but not something I can describe yet either. (disregard the greyscale engrave, I had to try ā€“ Looks like it would be pretty good without the missed steps):

I do greatly appreciate the feedback and work Oz! I spent half of yesterday like a kid on Christmas Eve trying to go to sleep.