Laser power is weaker after 1.7.01 Update

I have a Roly LaserMatic 20W and after updating to 1.7.01 I’m unable to make cuts on the same material with the same settings as the previous version.

The only thing that has changed is I’ve updated Lightburn yesterday.

My line setting to cut through 3mm Basswood was 550mm/min at 100% Power at 1 pass. I focus the laser the same way, and I even used the same sheets of wood from previous projects, and it doesn’t cut.

I redid a materials test and now it is down to 400mm/min at 100% power, 1 pass.

My engraving power seems weaker too. My “dark” engraving settings used remove roughly 0.1mm of material on basswood and now it doesn’t remove any.
Edit 1:
I decided to revert back to 1.6.03 and the inconsistency remains… I checked to see if debris was on the nozzle and that is clean.

Any ideas? Any help is appreciated.

Thank you.

Hello Tyler,

Can you confirm your settings are still in mm/min and have not changed to mm/sec?

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Yeah they are in mm/min.

There is really nothing in 1.7 that could have changed the power output
So could be coincidental.

a) confirm your glass is not dirty and the wires are all correct
b) load a known good test from before and run it again
c) send a screenshot of your settings and a full screenshot of LightBurn please.

Apologies for the late response, I was out of town for work for the week.

Wiped the nozzle. I only have about ~30 hours of cutting on this machine, almost entirely basswood so this was fairly clean.

Test files are the same. 550mm/min at 100% 1 pass does not cut all the way through as it did before. Have to reduce down to 400mm/min at 100% 1 pass.

Here are all my settings.

You might need to actually inspect the glass.
This is something Roly might have full documentation on
@leo-roly might be able to help

but a couple videos

Looks brand new still. These photos were taken before I cleaned them with a microfibre clothe.

I ran a test cut after the cleaning and still got the same results.

Does look correct and clean.

Honestly this is now a manufacturer inquiry really. Because the issues that could have been checked were in terms of settings.

Alright I’ll contact Roly. Thank you for your help!

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I just wanted to provide a closing update to this issue. I contacted Roly and they said it sounded like a faulty diode. They sent me a replacement laser module, and after installing I was back to normal. It seemed the timing was just a coincidence and this didn’t have anything to do with the update.