Laser window not working

The laser operations in the laser window are not working other than go to origin. In the ‘Move window’ I can fire and jog according to the buttons. I am using a Yorahome 6550 Pro and have set up the GRBL settings. I downloaded LaserGRBL to make sure it wasn’t the laser and everything works fine in LaserGRBL. I am using the 1.3.01 version which has been working perfectly fine until now and don’t really want to go to the 1.4 version. I have deleted the machine and reset it up 4 times (before trying LaserGRBL), I have also uninstalled Lightburn and reset it up twice (again before downloading LaserGRBL). It does show an error which I have attached a pic of but all of the GCode is correct.


Does your machine have homing switches and home at power-on? If so, set Start From mode to Absolute Coords and retest. Does that avoid the error message?

If the machine does not have homing switches then manually home by moving the laser head to the front-left of the machine before powering-on. Then set Start From mode to Absolute Coords and retest.

Yes it does have homing switches, no it is not set to home at power-on (don’t know how to do that). I turned laser off and set it to absolute co-ordinates but the laser head didn’t move from where I had it in the middle.

Go to Edit->Device Settings and enable “Auto-home on startup”. That will at least attempt home on connection.

Alternatively, push the “Home” button in Laser window to manually request a homing operation.

Try homing, set Start From to Absolute Coords and retest.

Ok when I changed it to absolute co-ordinates it didn’t go to the bottom left corner but it is framing. I do have the image at the bottome left corner but it is framing from where I have the kaser head which is around45 at tehe x axis and 18 at the y axis.

Yes I did get it go to home and it did frame it but I want to be able to use user origin as I have been using that for weeks and don’t understand why it isn’t working now.

I can also get it to frame when I set it at ‘current position’ so I don’t understand why user origin has stopped working.

Now that homing is working correctly you should be able to safely use all the Start From modes. Make sure you never move the laser head by hand post homing as the laser will no longer have awareness of the current position.

As for User Origin, where have you set the User Origin? Make sure you’re setting it at an appropriate location that gives you sufficient space for the size of the design that you’re trying to burn.

Also, you may want to review the documentation on how User Origin works:
Coordinates & Origin - LightBurn Software Documentation

I have user origin set to the middle dot and the laser head is in the middle of the board (exactly how I have been using it for weeks) but it still isn’t working. Current position and absolute co-ordinates both work but none of the 9 choices for user origin work.

I think you may be missing an aspect of how User Origin works. You set an Origin using the “Set Origin” button in Move window. From that point, the newly defined User Origin effectively shifts the origin position from Machine Origin (where the red square is located) to the position defined as your User Origin. All motion is relative from that User Origin.

This is described in the Documentation link I posted previously.

Woohoo that worked. Nobody has ever told me to set the user origin in the move window before (someone else; an experienced laser user set it up for me). Now in user origin I have a little red dot, have never seen that before??


Great! Glad that’s working now.

To be fair, it’s not well understood and has limited general use. It’s best for specific use cases.

That looks like the cross showing the Last Position that’s visible when you enable “Show Last Position” in Laser window. Do you see a separate larger red square in the bottom left corner of the workspace?

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