Laser won't stop when travel to next part of cut


In Lightburn my laser on the line cut travels without shutting off? I have seen the other topics of PSU and $31=1 however this has not stopped it?
Could there be another setting?

Do you have Z axis turned on. Caused my problem turning of Z fixed it.

Is $32 set to 1?


In addition to what @jkwilborn has indicated which you need to validate, $31 should really be set to 0, not 1.

Additionally, is your device configured to GRBL or GRBL-M3?

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$32 is set to 0 and $31 is set to 1 as this forum says this is the common fix? I have a GRBL controller. I looked at the settings in Lightburn and constant power mode is off also?

You’ve got this backwards. $32 should be set to 1. $31 should be set to 0.

You also need to make sure that the device profile that you’ve setup for your machine is also GRBL and not GRBL-M3 or other assuming you are running a relatively currrent version of GRBL. Click the Devices button in Laser window, then click on the name of your laser. The device profile will be listed at the bottom of the window.

Confirm GRBL version by typing this into Console:


Constant power mode should be irrelevant for this particular issue.


I have changed the $32 and $31. please also see at the bottom the result of the $I

thank for helping

Hi Everyone,

Just confirming changing $32=1 and $31=0 worked.

Thank you everyone foe helping

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