Laser Y-axis strange misalignment

Hi, I’m using Sculpfun S30 with LightBurn for more than a year but recently started having issues with Y-axis alignment.

The problem: Let’s say I want to engrave/cut a simple 30cm square. I use Frame button with laser dot enabled for preview the cutting area on my material. Each time I hit this button for preview, the laser dot slightly moves down for approximately 0.5 mm. The X-axis fits perfectly fine.

So if I check the engraving area on the material this way and then hit Start button to engrave, I will end up with the engraving half mm down from the place I wanted it to be.

It’s worth saying that if there is a job that requires several passes to be done, they are completed just fine without any misalignment.

I haven’t changed the LightBurn version nor the firmware for the laser. Eveyrthing is the same as always. I’ve retightened the belts but still no luck.

Please help

Still sounds mechanical. Check all the components, including the couplings and trolley wheels.

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Thank you for the answer!

It still seems strange to me that the same issue does not appear when something is cut with multiple passes.

However, maybe it has some relation to speed when cutting/engraving, which are usually slower than framing. In this case it may be mechanical issue. I’ll check it soon. This is the only guess I have at the moment.

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