Layers under Cut Settings Width

I found two issues which I didn’t find anywhere else on the forum, so I’m posting here:

I know most do not have this many layers, but wanted to bring up a UI issue I see on 0.9.19 (running Windows 10). If you have too many layers and the layer labels (?) don’t fit on the left, the scroll bar appears, but covers more than half of that layer label. Image seen below:

Obviously if you have screen real-estate, you can extend this window vertically to remove the scroll bars. Also there shouldn’t be a need for a horizonal scroll.

When I’m looking to set a layer back to default (Under Cut Settings popup), when I choose the layer and click this button, nothing happens. BUT, if I hold SHIFT + Click ‘Reset to Default’, it’ll reset. This needs to be done for every layer. If I click “Make Default for All”, I then confirm, but opening a new file still results in the “custom” values. This is even when enabling “Load Default Layer Settings on New or Restart”:

I assume you mean clicking the ‘New’ button to create a new file? Opening a file would bring in all the settings from that file. (pedantic maybe, but I have to ask to be sure)

For the scroll issue, I’ve widened that a bit, and I just enabled the scroll bar permanently so the window looks right when it’s not needed. (image below)

Reset to default does work as expected for me, so I’m not sure why that isn’t working for you.

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