LB 0.9.17 Crash

We’ve had 2 computers upgrade to version 0.9.17. Both crash on a file we’ve been using in production for weeks. Cannot post file due to IP concerns. Both Win 10 64 bit machines. A third machine, still running the previous version of LB, does not crash on the same file.

How do we roll back?

Completely understand this concern. You can send via email to support at lightburnsoftware dot com for our internal review, and we will continue to keep confidential.

LightBurn should not crash. Did you recieve any crash report you can share? Details of what you were doing, what you expected and what did / did not work will really help us reproduce this here. Include as much as you can when you send the file.

I can email the file. There was no crash report as far as I know. We were simply scrolling around the design file, and suddenly the application was no longer visible or open. Reproduced three times on one laptop, and once on my larger design desktop. Not an issue on the all-in-one machine not yet upgraded to 0.9.17 using the same file.

I see several 32 bit versions, but no Windows 64 bit version. Can you suggest what version I had? I haven’t needed to pay attention to version control in 20 years.

The 32-bit versions are noted, the 64 bit is the other .exe (without any specifiers).

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email sent. Discovered workaround, described in the email.
Thanks for your help!

Now if I could only get a certain one of your cohorts to explain this iPad to me!!!

What does this mean. Did you intend this to be a question? :man_shrugging:

No, it’s all good. That was meant to be a shout-out to someone on the development team for the astounding product.

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