Desiring to see what the Adj. Image should look like after modifying OF A DEPTH MAP.
This is a tough one to answer. We have no idea what you adjusted or what the image looks like.
Thank you. I’m referring to these TYPICAL images that companies sell supposed to be quality depth maps…I can send the original… Was wondering what is this supposed to look like after making LB Image adjustments ( I reckon) on the TV/playback screen (not on a part).
The second one is a file they also supplied I suppose the LB stands for light burn. Please comment on this.
I am so sorry, not my fault, of course there were two other color files I did not include, but when I included the file with the LB text in it, it did not appear in this box the way it appeared by the Windows view / picture when you say looking at 50 pictures at a time and a particular folder. Anyway I had to take a screenshot of what it really looks like, and that is the second picture that I referred to way earlier. With that LB text, are these companies really making a perfect file for LB, and or if not we are at the question I originally asked, supposing that first file is what you begin with, after using adjust image what should it look like can you give me some examples off of the screens.
I understand your question but there is no simple answer. One of the first things we learn by doing images is that what may look great on the screen ends up looking awful when burned to the material. Images is the most difficult thing you can do with a laser. And a 3D look is even more difficult. What you do not see in those wonderful images is how much trial and error goes into the final result.
The best we can offer is to do a lot of testing and be prepared for not getting it right on the first try. I say this not to discourage you but to let you know succeeding is going to feel really good.
By the way, your images have a great 3D look. The shadowing and highlites in the image is what makes it work.
I suspect to get anything close to that look you would need to do layered.
Mike H, absolutely perfect thank you, I’ve been in marking lasers since 1981 through 2005, at world famous companies and my own business for 14 years overlapping. Of course a lot happened on the laser wavelength generation in the semiconductor industry following that. I am set up as an industrial shop but also want to have fun with this other stuff on the side, I have five lasers and three wavelengths. Anyway when I read what you said just know it was really appreciated, especially when you said something that looks pretty nice doesn’t work out exactly haha I salute ya laser friend.
Certainly close the topic anytime
It closes when people run out of (useful) stuff to say.
Occasionally post some of your work. You could discover a process that nobody else imagined. It happens a lot here.