LB Software fails / change work coordinates


I have a custom-made openbuild GRBL laser, and I purchased my license in 2019, so I’m using version 0.9.06. Until now, I haven’t experienced any issues with it. However, after taking a break and resuming use this year, I’ve encountered a problem.

I engrave circular shapes and place a circular object on them to engrave a picture. The issue is that sometimes the software changes the coordinates unexpectedly. For example, if I set the coordinates to x:40, y:40, the laser might actually move to x:50, y:48. The strange thing is that afterward, the laser correctly returns to the right 0,0 coordinates.

Another issue I’ve noticed is when I move a circle from x:40, y:40 to x:60, y:40, the laser still engraves at the old x:40 position before moving to the correct 0,0 point.

I’m unsure what could be causing this. Could you please help?

This are my $$ config, I have not touched them and years ago it worked perfectly. Also I’ve checked the tension on the belts (this is not an issue because it DOES do a perfect circle), and also checked the wires (not an issue because all is working fine otherwise). On LaserGRBL this problem is not happening but IDK why on LB.




































Thanks in advance.

What is your start from set to?

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Like this. And the job origin is OK since my machine is like this.


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This tells me you should be using Absolute Coords as shown in the @Dskall image, which means absolute positioning. Current Position selected makes it use incremental moves.

Are you sure it returns to the Home 0,0 position? If it does, how do you tell it to do this?

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