I’m sorry if this is addressed elsewhere. I certainly couldn’t find it. I have LB1.3.01 (yes, I know it’s out of date. Read on. I’m not going to shell out for an update unless I know I can get it to work.) I’ve been using it with Win 10 64-bit on a Shapeoko Pro XXl, and it’s been running great. The Carbide Motion board recently shelled a Y-axis driver, and I decided to upgrade to a Duet3 MB6HC, as I’m also looking at Vcarve, which supports a rotary axis. Yes, I know it’s a bit of an orphan here. Yes, I know there is currently no post-process support for RRF3.5. I got it communicating over USB. I set it up as GRBL. Yes, I know that’s not the same. I’m confident I can clean up the differences with custom macros and a header and footer files. I was able to get it moving, homing, and even burning air. What to save my mortal soul i cannot seem to get it to do is connect over ethernet. I can ping the board reliably. I can connect to the board’s web GUI with Chrome reliably. I can select ethernet in the LB device setup and set the IP address. It simply will not connect. What am I doing wrong?
Does your network allow connecting without a password? You did mention it in your description.
And no, I have no idea. USB works fine for me.
Ooops! Sorry, Mike. No network. Direct ethernet cable connection.
Shows you what I know. Direct from PC to Laser, right?
That is called a peer-to-peer network. Google it from that point of view and you might find useful information.
I’ll Try that. Thanks. I don’t do a lot of networking. Mostly access control stuff at work. We do have a few customers running small systems “Peer to Peer”. I get that it’s not a real common board among LB users, but geez I wish they’d build some support for it. I LOVE LB, and so far this board is impressing me. I’ve got it set for 16:1 microstepping, and the level of smooth and quiet are amazing.
How easy LB can talk to the board is entirely up to what the manufacturer allows. GRBL is very popular because it is an open and well-documented standard. I just read the EZCAD3 board protocol is encoded. Hopefully, your board is closer to the first.
Is your machine also connected to wifi? For a direct network connection, you show have the ethernet connection on your machine set to a static ip, with the Duet3 in the same network, and on a different subnet to any wifi connection that may be in use. e.g. if your wifi IP is in 192.168.0.x range, the ethernet connection should be in the 172.16.x.x or 10.x.x.x range (or 192.168.1.x range too; once it’s a separate subnet).
From the Duet docs:
(connect via usb, in a teminal)
Send M552 S0
to disable networking, then M552 S1 Px.x.x.x
to enable networking, where “x.x.x.x” is the IP address you want to use,
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