Lead in confusion

I am having a hard time understanding the lead-in feature on the “line” Cut setting. When I used a lead in on some shapes, the angle of lead in changes based on where it is on the grid.

I have attached two pictures below of the issue. Take note of where the lead in is on the “A” on the preview on both pictures. The layers for the inside of the “O” and inside of the “A” are the same as well as the outside of the O and A.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what could be causing this? The settings for each layer are below.

Not sure I understand, but maybe look at optimization settings.

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Sorry, I’m having a hard time explaining it because I’m not really sure what is happening either.

The lead in on the letter “A” in the first two photos is what I’m fighting with. When I preview the lead in with the letter “A” to the right, the lead ins are correct for what I need. If I drag the letter “A” to the left and check the preview again without changing any of the cut settings, the lead in angle changes.

When I do the same with the letter “O” the lead in stays the same angle anywhere on the grid.

Does your machine homes upper-right corner?
Are you running in Absolute coordinates?
if the above is true is just the optimized path for the laser from the home position.
For the “O” the laser always move from the “A”.
Try switching “A” and “O” positions.
But there is some glitch, in my experimentation the Lead In is always outside the triangle of the letter “A”.

Seems that lead in is still unreliable in 1.6.03
Have a look here:
Lead in: inconsistant behaviour