Least abusive way of using a fill-or flood fill?

Which is the safest and least wearing fill way? Thank you for you opinion or experience, Peter

I’m not sure exactly what you’re asking but the standard fill is the most generalized and broadly appropriate method of fill. You can’t really go wrong using that. Other fill options might help save time in certain scenarios but aren’t objectively better.

The geometry generally dictates which Fill method one would want to choose.

Bi-directional fill is generally the most efficient motion.

The heaviest part of the engraver (the gantry) moves perpendicular to the engrave direction, and does so only once. The X axis hardware is lighter and is preferentially selected as the back-and-forth motion because it offers the least wear and tear on the engraver.

Flood Fill is designed for large areas with large blank spaces and low travel (traversal speeds) and is often incorrectly selected for fine detail.

Offset fill is a good approach for geometry that has similar inside and outside shapes with no engraving inside.

Setting up the Simulation Settings in the Additional Settings tab in the Device Settings window (Under Edit in the top row) will allow you to Preview the time estimated to complete the work.

The laser on-time would be identical regardless of fill choice.

These may be of interest:

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Thank you very much.
This is exactly what i was trying to figure out.
That was GREAT help.

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