Leather Engraving

Yes, it is possible to engrave on leather without getting a bad smell. However, it depends on the type of leather and the engraving method used.

If you are using a laser engraving machine, it is possible to engrave on leather without producing a bad smell. This is because the laser only burns the surface of the leather and does not produce any smoke or fumes. However, it is important to note that some types of leather may produce a slight odor when engraved, but it should not be overpowering.

Another option is to use hand tools such as stamps or punches to engrave on leather. This method does not produce any odor and is a traditional method of leather engraving.

Overall, it is important to choose the right type of leather and engraving method to avoid any bad smell during the process.

Check out some of the best machines to engrave leather https://www.noveltymaker.com/laser-engraver-for-leather/