License issues not happy

Lightburn was installed on 2 computers one of them crashed and I cannot get the new computer regestered with the key I purchased. I cannot release the computer that crashed and anyway I don’t know how to do that anyway. Not being able to contact anyone is very frustrating to say the least!
Please help.
John Marksbury

You have. And I know I can help you. Make you happy? We will see.

Using your email I see you purchased a DSP license Jan 7th of this year. You now have access to our License Management Portal allowing you to manage your license allocation directly. Have a look at this post on our forum for the details.

Martians probably got 'em…

2X2L calling CQ . . . 2X2L calling CQ . . . 2X2L calling CQ . . . New York. Isn’t there anyone on the air? Isn’t there anyone on the air? Isn’t there anyone . . ?

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OK I have straightened out. However, it seems like a lot just to be able to use software I purchased. With all of these steps I’m sure to ask the same question again. Maybe this should be covered in your help files.
Thank you for your quick response.

Access to ‘License Management’ is found under the ‘Help’ menu. There, you can deactivate a current system using this option as well.

We also have a dedicated support email at where these things get sorted pretty quickly. We don’t have a phone number because we’re a very (very) small team, so email or forum requests are preferred, and easier to prioritize, but we do respond quickly.


It’s in the email with your licence key. It’s the first thing you get sent :wink:

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