LightBurn Bridge, No Laser Connected (USB)

It would be awesome to support GRBL based controllers. I’m currently building a custom laser repurposing as many parts from a bricked 45-watt proprietary C02 machine using some ideas from OpenBuilds and other sources.

My plan was to use an RPI to create a .net blazor touch interface that runs in a docker container web UI on the RPI that would send the jog/home/etc type of g-code controls via a python g-code streamer to the GRBL controller. I would love to use LightBurn however, given it doesn’t run natively on the ARM architecture of the PI (and honestly would probably suck on a 7-10 inch touch screen), I was struggling with how to connect it to the RPI (yes I know I can get a protoneer cnc hat for the PI not sure if that would be supported by LB and I basically I have 3 arduinos, 2 with cnc shields already installed and an RPI3b+ and RPI4 and am reusing to keep costs down).

Then I seen that I can install the LB Bridge on my own PI and I thought hell yeah, solution just presented itself (albeit I would need to install docker on the bridge image to load the .net blazor UI to run the touch interface controls, which may not be possible as I dig deeper into this), then found out it only supports Ruida controllers and I just don’t feel like shelling out hundreds more for a home build to get me by with a usable C02 laser targeting under $500-600 until I can get my other laser back from 8 states away later this year.