Lightburn camera choice help

Hi there need some help with lightburn camera angle choice. I have a creality falcon 2 with a bed of 400x415 and an enclosure with a ceiling to bed height of 410 mm, i am using the lightburn help box in the program but still cant work out what size camera i need reguarding the closest minus 2" rule, an help would be greatly appreciated ?

The 5MP-90 degree is a popular choice for about that size, the selection helper says 390mm min mounting height for 400x415mm. Don’t worry about the 2" here since you should be able to mount this camera (which does not have a protruding lens) in a 20mm space if you have a 410mm limit.

Thanks for your advice, I will get that one i think, does the 5mp to 8mp make a whole lot of difference for this sort of use ?

I would not expect much difference since the only currently available 8MP camera that will fit in your space is the 8MP-W-120 camera - and you would not gain any more than 15% resolution using it since more of the unused edges of the wide angle image will be cropped away.

Thats brilliant, thanks for the help

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