Hi guys,
I would like to know if this Hans yueming controller is compatible with lightburn? The software that’s currently used for this controller is smartcarve.
Thanks in advance
The best way to find out is to install the Free Trial, fire it up, and see if you can connect to the thing.
Verily, it is written: One careful measurement outweighs a thousand expert opinions.
With that in mind, it looks Ruida-ish, so … I’d try both USB and Ethernet.
I have grbl licence, to test it I have to upgrade, that’s why I want to know first if it’s compatible before upgrading
Do you have access to a different laptop? Perhaps a friend with a laptop? If so, download & run the trial there.
@JohnJohn: What’s the protocol for a situation like that?
I hope someone from lightburn administration see this thread to confirm the compatibility because at this moment I don’t have access to a laptop without lightburn, my friend has grbl licence as well.
You should be fine with that controller. That’s a Ruida controller with YM specific firmware on it. I ran a CamFive machine (Which are built by YM Laser) with similar controller for quite some time on LightBurn. The older YM controllers where not using Ruida hardware, but I believe if I remember right, it was in their 5th gen controllers that they swapped to Ruida.
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