Lightburn don't talk with my machine


I have an OpenBuilds ACRO machine, using GRBL 1.1h on Arduino UNO with CNC Shield v3.
My PC is an Acer laptop running Ubuntu 21.04 LTS.

I manually create my device on Lightburn, because Lightburn didn’t find my laser.

When I try to move or engrave something, nothing happens.

When I righ-click “Devices” button in the Laser windows, Lightburn says that laser is disconnected.

Baud rate setting is correct (115.200). Conection port is correct too (ttyACM0).

I did a log.
LightBurnLog.txt (23.3 KB)

Check this post and see if it applies to you.


I forget to say, but I did it. I did the command “sudo adduser…”.

I tried the next solution, like as Peter Smith wrote, but it doesn’t work too.


When I launch Lighburn, the laser turn on and suddenly turn off, like always happened. But, after this, nothing happens.
On the Lightburn console, I receive this message:

Waiting for connection…
Grbl 1.1h [‘$’ for help]
Target buffer size found
Homing cycle is not enabled in your Grbl settings.

Does your machine have homing switches?

If so, enable homing ($22=1). If not, then turn off “auto-home on startup” in Edit->Device Settings.

My machine don’t have homing switches, so I turned off auto-home on startup.

Now, console gives this message:

Waiting for connection…
Grbl 1.1h [‘$’ for help]
Target buffer size found

But nothing happens…

What are you expecting to happen? The message itself looks fine.

Are you able to use the jogging controls in Move window? If so, try other operations and see how they behave.

I expect that my machine works.

It`s impossible to move the laser, and when I righ-click “Devices” button in the Laser window, Lightburn says that laser is disconnected.

What happens if you type this in Console:


Also, can you take a full screenshot of LightBurn with Laser window showing?

I don’t know what happened, but my machine started to work today.

Thank you for the help.

Glad it’s working for you but not comforting that it’s unpredictable.

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