Lightburn freezing after unlocking DSP control

We had an OMTech K40 and upgraded the controller to be able to run LightBurn. Everything worked great, no major issues. Software worked great without any problems. We recently upgraded to a new OMTech AF2440-100 with a Ruida DSP controller. After upgrading Lightburn to unlock DSP control the software will freeze after a little bit of use. Sometimes it’s after running one project. Sometimes it’s before I can even finish getting a project setup to run. Sometimes it’s trying to do anything after letting it sit open unused for a few minutes. Computer is a Microsoft Surface Pro 7 running Windows 11 Pro. I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling, rebooting, everything you can think of I’ve probably tried. Any ideas? Thanks for any help.

Is LightBurn crashing and providing a crash warning? If so - what does it say?

Yes, LightBurn is crashing. I get no error message. All I get is the software doesn’t respond, in the title bar it says (Not Responding) and then is fades to a lighter color and all I can do is click the x in the upper right corner. Then I get a pop up that askes if I want to end the software or wait for it to respond. I’ve tried waiting and it never responds. I have to close it out and then reopen it and it works again fine. No other software does this and I can continue using the computer as normal while this happens.

If LightBurn is crashing without an error message it is highly likely your system is running out of RAM - the Surface Pro 7 can come with as low as 8gb of RAM installed, half of which will be taken up by Windows 11.

We can see just how much memory you’re using from the Performance tab in the Task Manager

Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc to launch Task Manager. Or, right-click the Taskbar and select Task Manager.
Select the Performance tab to see current RAM usage displayed in the Memory box, and total RAM capacity listed under Physical Memory. What does it say?

If you could take a screenshot that would be helpful

ok, mine surface does only have 8gb of ram. It’s currently running at 4.4gb used. Does adding DSP control add that much more that lightburn would need that much more ram to run? Everything worked perfectly fine when using the K40 machine. THis issue only started after adding DSP control.

I’m not positive that’s the issue, but it’s likely given the failure mode. Does this happen with a particular file or design that you could share?

Adding DSP features typically doesn’t result in any changes to performance, it simply unlocks the ability to communicate with those controller types.

It doesnt really matter the design. im running a test now and monitoring the stats to see if ram spikes or anything.

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If you have a fill operation with a teeny tiny line interval is can make a lot of data output that can spike ram, but that’s more common for Galvo lasers that have the ability to run ultra-dense line spacings. Let us know how it goes and we can keep investigating.

I ran a material test and after it finished I clicked close and LightBurn froze again. Ram never went above 4.5gb used and cpu & disk stayed below 5%. Any other ideas to try?

I ran another materials test and then tried to open a file. That’s when it crashed this time.

Ran another project as a test. Completed fine, took about 15 mins. Deleted the image and imported 3-4 different ones to see if it would freeze. It didn’t picked one, moved it around and then clicked Frame to make sure I had it lined up where I wanted and it froze again. LightBurn topped out at 3% usage of RAM and 1% usage of CPU so I’m not running out of RAM or CPU or anything. All designs were more detailed than the material test but nothing I hadn’t done before on the K40. I’m really at a loss here and I need to get this software working correctly again. Would the debugger log help at all?

LightBurn shouldn’t crash. (or hang)

I’d like to document which version of LightBurn is running on your Windows Surface Pro 7 device to help the dev team track this down.

The Debug log, LightBurn file, the Support Data, and the most recent lbprefs file would be informative.

Launch LightBurn as if you were approaching the job the same way as before.

For the Debug Log:

  • Click Help, click Enable Debug Log and start your job. When you exit out of LightBurn the file LightBurnLog.txt should be available in your Documents folder.

For the Support Data:

  • Open Notepad (or any text editor) and click Help in LightBurn, then click Generate Support Data. The encrypted data automatically arrives on your clipboard. In Notepad click paste and save the file as Support Data Forum 97330.

For the Prefs file:

  • Click File, click Export Prefs and Save that as Forum Hang 97330.lbprefs

And last, the LigthtBurn file:

  • Attach the saved LightBurn (LBRN or Lbrn2) file to the email.

Please Email those 4 files to for review. In the Subject line please include:

Attn: John Re: Forum DSP Hang 97330

Be sure to delete the LightBurnLog.txt from your documents folder after you send it to prevent continued logging.

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OK, I’ve got all that data together and will send it over shortly. Thank you.


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