Lightburn is glitching

Good afternoon,

I’m new on here and wanted to see, if anyone had this problem. I click on something in Lightburn and mouse grabs something else. The last update had it fixed. Now with new update it is back to glitching. I grabbed a name i was designing. The name flipped upside down. Then changed size. I click on Frame to frame out my area. It goes through the process, then it starts over and move to a tottaly new area. I thought it was my computer. No other program does this glitching. Everything is fine in other programs. Has anyone else had this problem? Thanks for any help.

Click selection can be a little tricky at times. You may need to zoom in at times or offset the click to select the object desired.

You can tune click selection in Settings with “Click-selection Tolerance”.

I changed the tolerance. Now, when I click on name or letters. The letters flip upside down. It’s not the tolerance. Thanks.

Are you able to upload a file where this occurs and provide some guidance as to how to recreate this? I’ll try to reproduce the issue.

Are you on Fb Lightburn group? I will post a video there soon. So, I can show what’s going on. The last update cleared the glitching. This new update brought it right back.

I am not on FB, unfortunately.

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