Lightburn Lockup HELP

Any help gratefully received, this problem has only been happening over the last week but when I go to save something like this as I’m halfway through and need to stop or when I want to import an image into the work, it locks up and anywhere I click on the page it just bleeps and even the drop-down saying all supported is locked up, it’s so annoying. I’m using Mac if that makes any difference

Might want to post the Lightburn version you are using and if it’s the installed or image type executable.

Current Mac OS?

Ethernet or USB?

I don’t have that laser or a Mac, so I’m just asking as I know they will ask for this.

Good luck.


Last time I read about this the folder which the images lived had too many files. Work out of a clean folder and see if that helps. Or whatever Mac calls them.

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