Lightburn not responding when running camera alignment with Softcam`

I’m using a Snapmaker and the GitHub - Maycuz/SnapmakerLightBurnHost: Snapmaker 2.0 10W laser camera in LightBurn to grab images from the machine.

Running Ligthburn v1.7.03.

I was able to successfully run the camera lens calibration (with the dots), but when I run camera alignment, it pops up with the camera type choice, and after selecting the permanent mount option, the app hangs. Eventually windows marks it as not responding.

I can start the alignment wizard using another USB webcam, but it seems that using the Direct Show Softcam camera causes Lightburn to freeze. Perhaps it’s because it’s a static image?

A guess shot - what is your Camera Capture System set to:

Mine is set to default.

Unfortunately we haven’t tested the camera system with this specific software solution for the internal cameras on Snapmaker devices, so are unable to offer advice for that side of things, but as @parsec mentioned, I would try changing your camera capture system to ‘Custom’ and see how that goes. Let us know!

@joed you might want to poke at this, seeing as you have a snapmaker.