Lightburn/Ruida Image Problem

I’m trying to etch an image, and the Ruida control panel, displays a message, "Need more over shooting or larger acceleration. What does this mean and what can I do? I tried to upload the file but it exceeds 4MB.



This means that the position of the image and or the selected speed cause the laser to exceed the physical limits. Move the image further away from the edges or slow down the speed.

You can’t upload files over 4mB… There is probably nothing wrong with your file, except the speeds are too fast.

When you use preview (you are using preview before you run a job?) you can select show transversal moves


Hi Jack,

You’re right, there is nothing wrong with the file but, I did some investigating. Apparently the X acceleration in machine settings is an issue, maybe not the issue. I had my work piece snugged up close to 0,0. When the laser head moves back and forth, there is no room for over travel and it errors out. I moved my work piece to the right a bit, and the problem was solved.

I would like your opinion on a YouTube video that discusses this issue and solves it by changing the x acceleration in machine to limit the laser over travel. I have not done this before checking with OMtech. But, I ask your opinion.



Nice to have a link… there are a lot of videos to watch :crazy_face:


Sorry about that, here it is.

You can push the acceleration values up until it fails. Mine is something like 45,000mm/s^2. Keep in mind I have a few modifications, such as a lightweight head, no drag chain or hardware to mount it.

This is from the preview, which gets it’s information from device settings → additional settings. Might want to read from controller.

On the left a 40,000mm/s^2 on the right 6,000mm/s^2 - this has show transversal moves enabled. This produces the red track. Also notice the estimated job time…

Mine has a lot less mass.

Make sense?

Even with a jig, I use user origin and position the head from Lightburn to the origin I wish and press origin on the Ruida console.


I assume you viewed the YouTube clip. The guy seemed a little iffy on potential harm to the machine. Exactly, what do you mean you can push acceleration until it fails. What fails?
I have an OMtech 60 watt machine and it’s set at 5,000, I don’t have exotic modifications so how far can I push the acceleration? And, more importantly, what effect will this have on the motor and related hardware?


Increase it by 50% and see if it complains… It will make a terrible racket if it’s too fast.

The fields are moving faster than the mechanical parts can respond.

It doesn’t really hurt the machine for this to happen for a very short time. Once this occurs, drop it a bit, 10 or 20% and test it again. When you can move it around at 300mm/s without it making noise then you’re in the ball park.

Ensure you save the factory configuration before you mess around with it. It’s easy to forget what you did…

Keep in mind that you might be on the edge, so if you tune it too close to the edge, it may fail during a job…

Good luck


Thanks Jack,

I did hear back from Omtech and they do not recommend changing the settings. At any rate, my project ran for over 2 hours. One of those “3D” projects from GF5bucks on Etsy. It turned out great!

I appreciate your help!


Of course not…

These settings are very conservative to ensure the machine will work…

I was very surprised to hear in the video that OMTech said the acceleration can be pushed to 7000mm/s^2…

You’ll learn, depending on who you get, a variant of answers, some really poor if not downright wrong.

It’s your machine, you will have to make decisions like this… As you learn more about these, you’ll have your own opinions, like the rest of us.

Did you post a photo of your 2 hour job?


Thanks for your help! Happy Thanksgiving!!


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Beautiful… :+1:

You should post it in finished creations.

Have fun


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