Lightburn software interface resolution all out of wack suddenly

Hi guys,

Opened Lightburn today and resolution all out of wack. Pics for reference.

No updates done, all other software resolution is fine.

Tried Settings > Toolbar > Icon size but to no avail.

Resolution running at 2560 x 1440 which is what is recommended

Upgraded to latest version of lighburn, no difference.

Any help appreciated!



This screenshot shows how it was before.

Close LightBurn, and hold Shift on your keyboard when you reopen it.

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That doesn’t affect the resolution, only the window arrangement.

Check the environment variables on your system. There are a couple of variables for QT interface scaling that you can set, which something else might have: High DPI Displays | Qt 5.15

Look for any environment variable with QT_ at the beginning of the name.

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